aural conjuring
Aural Conjuring was created in response to the COVID-19 lockdown of London in April 2020. The work is a listening ritual, an attempt to listen towards what I am missing, what I fear, what I hope for. The performance approaches listening as an act of reaching outside of yourself, connecting, longing, and remaining open in a time of isolation.
The performance consists of me kneeling on the floor, creating a circle of sound equipment - speakers, headphones wires – around myself. I blindfold myself, and randomly draw three cards from a Tarot card deck. I listen to each card (holding it to my ear). I then record thoughts, sounds and feelings into a notebook. Each performance has a different title, which determines what I am listening towards.
Exhibited as part of 'Walls in Online Places'
aural conjuring - resistance

Knight of Swords - the trickster, volatile and changeable
Knight of Cups - truth, beauty and love
Queen of Pentcles - practical help

hard-necessity-fear-hope-resist-stay-positive-better world-hope-fight-hope
aural conjuring - alternate futures
10 of Cups - plenty of love is available to be offered and recieved; gratitude
4 of Pentacles - nothing ventured, nothing gained
9 of Pentacles - material benefits (through hard work) are promised and appreciated

aural conjuring- missing you

8 of Wands - creativity, regeneration and new activity
4 of Pentacles - anxiety, fear the freedom of emotions will result in loss or hurt
The World - success, harmony and achievement

scratching sound - helplessness - small - longing - fear - longing - hope - fear